The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.
The History Academy's goal is to share best practice at an affordable price so that you can focus on your own priorities. Our resources have been written to a high standard and fine tuned in the classroom. During my 35 years in challenging schools, I have published resources for Heinemann, Pearsons, Hodder, Folens, BBC and Boardworks. If you would like to receive updates, create your own customised bundle or join our team, then contact us via our Facebook or Linkedin pages.
These excellent resources have bundled together to give you outstanding value. The over a range of social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues that relate to a number of subjects.
If you would like to know more then please click on each resource. They are aimed at the fully range of ability. You can cut them out and put them into an envelop for students to sort or you can get them to cut, sort and stick them into their books. Failing that they can create a key or use highlighters and stick the information into their books.
Whenever possible, I have linked in videos that are suitable for classroom use that cover both sides of the debate and can be previewed alongside our resources.
Everything is supplied in word and can be easily customized to suit your students .
These fun and interactive card sorts have been designed to explore medical ethic issues linked to the science curriculum. They can be purchased on their own or as part of a discounted bundle.
These card sorts are great for the full range of ability and are designed to help promote debate and discussion of these difficult topics. You can cut them out and put them into an envelope for students to sort or you can get them to cut, sort and stick them into their books. Failing that they can create a key or use highlighters and stick the information into their books.
Whenever possible, I have linked in videos that are suitable for classroom use that cover both sides of the debate and can be previewed alongside our resources.
Everything is supplied in Microsoft Word and can be easily customized to suit your students . For more information, please click on each resource.
Tes paid licence
Delve into KS3 Medieval History with our exciting bundle of fun and interactive resources on the Plantagenets covering the following topics
Henry II’s Personality
The Murder of Thomas Becket, 1170
How evil was King John?
Magna Carta, 1215
Medieval Origins of Parliament
The Black Death,1346 - 1353
The Peasants Revolt, 1381
Wars of the Roses
We are offering over a 50% discount on some of our most popular resources so that you have no time to focus on the things that matter to you.
Please click on the detailed preview for each resource. We plan to add more resources to this bundle on the conquests of Scotland and Wales, so if you buy it now, you will get them for free when increase the price of this bundle.
We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency. Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy
Kind Regards
This great little card sort gets students to look at the key factors to explain why the Nazis were able to keep control of Germany from 1933 - 1945. It can be used with a range of abilities and has never failed to get my students excited, engaged, whilst improving their understanding of the topic.
The resource includes three key factors - terror, propaganda and popularity, as well as 25 information cards which students sort to help them decide how the Nazis were able to keep control of Germany. As with all my resources, the document is in word so you can customise it to suit your own students by editing, adding or deleting cards / statements.
Theme: How did the Nazis keep control of Germany from 1933 - 1945?
Know: What were the key factors that helped the Nazis keep control?
Understand: What role did the terror state, propaganda and Hitler’s popularity play in the ability of the Nazis to keep control?
Evaluate: Which factor was the most important?
WILF - What am I Looking For?
Identify - Which factors helped the Nazis to keep control?
Describe - How the Nazis kept control of Germany?
Explain - The roles played by terror, Hitler’s popularity and propaganda in helping the Nazis keep control?
Analyse - what was the most important factor?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great little resource is suitable for a wide range of abilities and can easily be adapted to suit any text book or resource on this topic as it is supplied in word.
Students can sort through the cards and organise the events into their correct chronological order. This could be used as a starter exercise to see if they can work out before hand what happened and then used as a mini plenary to check their answers once they have watched a video or read a text book or resource on the Glorious Revolution.
This resource will appeal to both visual and kinesthetic learners.
Aims and Objectives:
Theme: Making of the United Kingdom
Know: What were the events leading up to the Glorious Revolution?
Understand: What actions did James II take to cause the Revolution?
Analyse: How far was James II responsible for his own overthrow during the Glorious Revolution?
WILF - What Am I Looking For?
Identify and Describe: What happened?
Explain: What actions did James II take to turn people against him?
Evaluate: How far was James II responsible for his own overthrow during the Glorious Revolution?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This growing bundle contains our latest resources on the Russian Revolution, which we will continue to add to throughout the year. So if you buy it now, you can get our new resources for free!
Included in this bundle is our sellection of card sorts and dingbat revision cards on the Russian Revolution and Stalin.
Please do check out our dedicated YouTube Channel with over 600 history classroom resources. You can find our Russian Revolution and Stalin’s Russia at this link:
This bundle contains all our interactive and fun resources on the causes of the Russian Revolution. We have heavily discounted them so that it you buy one resource you pretty much get the rest for £1 so that you have lots of different ways of approaching the topic.
Please see the detailed previews of each resource for more details.
If you like these resources then why not check out my other resources on similar topic in our TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for the price of a good cup of coffee so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want. All our authors are paid the living wage so when you purchase our resources you are buying into our shared values of fair play and decency.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates. Don’t forget to check out our dedicated You Tube Channel with over 600 free videos: @historyacademy
Check out our Russian Revolution playlist:
Kind Regards
The aim of this activity is to get students to sort through a series of key turning points in the history of black people from 1865 to 1970 and assess how far their changed their status and position within US society. It can be used as an introduction or as a plenary exercise.
I’ve included two resources, a PowerPoint with the aims. objectives, outcomes of the lesson and the living graph templates and a word file that includes two pages of cards that can be cut out for the activity.
I would recommend printing off the living graph templates on A3, but they also work on A4. Please note that I have created two living graphs spanning the periods 1865 - 1940 & 1945 to 1970. This suits they way in which we approach the topic, however you can easily adapt and edit the template as well as the cards to suit your own curriculum. I would suggest that students fold the cards in half before sticking them to the graph.
If you would like some other resources on these topics then please check out my revision cards or dingbats on US Civil Rights or my revision booklets.
Theme: Civil Rights in the USA 1865 – 1985
Know: What were the key turning points the US Civil Rights of Black people?
Understand: How did the status and position of black people change?
Evaluate: How far did the status and position of black people change?
What Am I Look For - WILF
Identify & Describe : What were the key turning points in US Black Civil Rights 1865 – 1970?
Explain: Why did the legal and social status and position of black people change?
Analyse: How far did the status and position of black people improve for the better 1865 - 1970?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
The aim of this resource is explain why the USA introduced a policy of isolationism from 1919 to 1939. The learning objectives are as follows:
Know: What was the US Policy of isolationism from 1919 – 1941
Understand: Why did the USA follow a policy of isolationism?
Analyse: What impact did this policy have on both domestic and international relations?
What Am I Looking For?
Identify and Describe: the US policy of isolationism and its effects
Explain: why the USA introduced isolationism and its effects
Analyse: What were the consequences of the US policy of isolationism and come to a judgement on which was the most significant?
The starter is a snowballing activity, instructions included. The first part of the presentation then looks at the impact of the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles in the US decision not to sign it or it or join the League of Nations. This is then backed up with a consolidation exercise of a past paper question with a pupil mark scheme which can be easily adapted for peer and self assessment.
The next part of the presentation then looks at 6 key consequences of the US policy of isolationism by looking in outline at economic isolationism, immigration controls, Prohibition, the 'Red Scare', Great Depression and the causes of the Second World War.
The plenary activity focuses on a thinking skills review triangle, which aims to get students to decide which consequence is the most significant. I have also included a homework activity and some notes with the slides.
This resources really well along side my worksheet on US isolation which you can download and buy separately or as bundle with this presentation. Both can be used independently.
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
The aim of this resource is explain why the USA introduced a policy of isolationism from 1919 to 1939. It includes both the PowerPoint and worksheet, which can be purchased separately and used independently if you prefer. The learning objectives are as follows:
Know: What was the US Policy of isolationism from 1919 – 1941
Understand: Why did the USA follow a policy of isolationism?
Analyse: What impact did this policy have on both domestic and international relations?
What Am I Looking For?
Identify and Describe: the US policy of isolationism and its effects
Explain: why the USA introduced isolationism and its effects
Analyse: What were the consequences of the US policy of isolationism and come to a judgement on which was the most significant?
The starter is a snowballing activity, instructions included. The first part of the presentation then looks at the impact of the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles in the US decision not to sign it or it or join the League of Nations. This is then backed up with a consolidation exercise of a past paper question with a pupil mark scheme which can be easily adapted for peer and self assessment.
The next part of the presentation then looks at 6 key consequences of the US policy of isolationism by looking in outline at economic isolationism, immigration controls, Prohibition, the 'Red Scare', Great Depression and the causes of the Second World War.
The plenary activity focuses on a thinking skills review triangle, which aims to get students to decide which consequence is the most significant. I have also included a homework activity and some notes with the slides.
These resources really well along side each other. The teacher can structure the learning so that they can pause for mini plenaries whilst students consolidate their learning using the task and activities in the worksheet. The PowerPoint extends and supports all students, but the worksheet is designed to structure the learning for foundation and core.
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
The aim of these bundled resource is explain what problems US farmers faced to get students to assess why they didn't share in the prosperity in the 1920s, The aims and objects are as follows:
Theme: Dark side of the US boom in the 1920s
Know: What problems faced farmers in the 1920s?
Understand: What impact did Republican policies & mass production have on farmers?
Evaluate: How far were the problems of US farmers caused by government policies?
WILF: What Am I Looking For?
Identify / describe: What problems faced farmers in 20s?
Explain: The impact of government policies and mass production on the price of farming produce?
Analyse: Which was the most significant problem?
Both resources contain activities for core and able students as well as past paper questions for the OCR examination board (Oxford & Cambridge). These can be easily adapted to suit your own assessment criteria.
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great little resource is suitable for a wide range of abilities and can easily be adapted to suit any text book or resource on this topic as it is supplied in word.
Students can sort through the cards and organise the events into their correct chronological order. This could be used as a starter exercise to see if they can work out before hand what happened and then used as a mini plenary to check their answers once they have watched a video or read a text book or resource on the Glorious Revolution.
Aims and Objectives:
Theme: Making of the United Kingdom
Know: What were the events leading up to the Glorious Revolution?
Understand: What actions did James II take to cause the Revolution?
Analyse: How far was James II responsible for his own overthrow during the Glorious Revolution?
WILF - What Am I Looking For?
Identify and Describe: What happened?
Explain: What actions did James II take to turn people against him?
Evaluate: How far was James II responsible for his own overthrow during the Glorious Revolution?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more quality time with the people who matter.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great little resource is designed to get students to sort through a series of cards to help them decide what the causes and consequences in one of the most important turning points in both British and world history.
The aims and objectives are:
Theme: Making of the UK
Know: What were the causes and consequences of the Glorious Revolution?
Understand: Why did James II become increasingly unpopular?
Evaluate: How significant was the Glorious Revolution in 1688?
WILF - What Am I Looking For?
Identify and describe: What were the causes and consequences of the Glorious Revolution?
Explain: Why did James I become increasingly unpopular and what impact did the revolution have on Catholics living in Britain?
Analyse: Begin to make a judgement on the significance of the Glorious Revolution?
This resource should appeal to a range of abilities and learning styles. It shouldn’t take more than 10 to 12 minutes for a middle ability class to cut out the cards and sort them.
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This interactive card sort gets students to sort through a series of statements to help them assess the achievements and limitations of the Homestead Act of 1862. It can be used as either starter or plenary for a lesson on this topic and is a great way to activate the learning an appeal to multiple learning styles. I would recommend getting your students to peer and self assess their answers before sticking them into their books.
When you purchase this resource you will receive a single page Microsoft Office Word document, which contains instructions, a learning objective, two heading cards and 16 statements on the Homestead Act of 1862. Once students have cut out the statements and sorted them, they can extend their understanding by then sorting the statements on both sides into their order of importance. I usually use this resource in preparation for an extended answer on ‘how far was the Homestead Act a success?’ It can also be used to stimulate a debate on the topic as well.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Aims and Objectives:
Theme: The American West
Know: What were the terms of the Homestead Act of 1862?
Understand: What were the achievements and limitations of the act?
Evaluate: How far was the Homestead Act a success?
WILF - What Am I Looking For?
Identify and describe: What were the terms of the Homestead Act of 1862?
Explain: What either the limitations or achievements of the Homestead Act of 1862?
Analyse: Come to a balanced judgement on how far the Homestead Act of 1862 was a success?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This card sort gets students to sort through a series of statements to help them assess the achievements and limitations of the Homestead Act of 1862. It can be used as either starter or plenary for a lesson on this topic and is a great way to activate the learning an appeal to multiple learning styles. I would recommend getting your students to peer and self assess their answers before sticking them into their books.
When you purchase this resource you will receive a single page Microsoft Office Word document, which contains instructions, a learning objective, two heading cards and 16 statements on the Homestead Act of 1862. Once students have cut out the statements and sorted them, they can extend their understanding by reorganising the statements on both sides into their order of importance. I usually use this resource in preparation for an extended answer on ‘how far was the Homestead Act a success?’ It can also be used to stimulate a debate on the topic as well.
The aims and objectives of this lesson are:
Theme: The American West
Know: What were the terms of the Homestead Act of 1862?
Understand: What were the achievements and limitations of the act?
Evaluate: How far was the Homestead Act a success?
WILF - What Am I Looking For?
Identify and describe: What were the terms of the Homestead Act of 1862?
Explain: What either the limitations or achievements of the Homestead Act of 1862?
Analyze: Come to a balanced judgement on how far the Homestead Act of 1862 was a success?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great little resource has never failed to help my students understand the social, economic and political effects of the Great Depression on the USA, 1929 - 1932. It makes a great little starter or mini plenary to a lesson on this topic. I've provided it in word so you can easily adapt it to suit the needs of your students.
Aims and Objectives
Theme: Why did FDR defeat HH in the Presidential Election in 1932?
Know: What effects did the Great Depression have on the USA?
Understand: what were the social, economic and political effects of the depression?
Evaluate: Why did President Hoover become increasingly unpopular?
WILF - What Am I Looking For?
Identify and describe: What were the effects of the Great Depression?
Explain: Which effects were economic, social or political?
Analyse: Link the effects of the Great Depression together to help explain why HH became more unpopular with the American people?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow 'The History Academy' on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great little resource has never failed to help my students understand the social, economic and political effects of the Great Depression on the USA, 1929 - 1932. It makes a great little starter or mini plenary to a lesson on this topic. I’ve provided it in word so you can easily adapt it to suit the needs of your students.
Aims and Objectives
Theme: Why did FDR defeat HH in the Presidential Election in 1932?
Know: What effects did the Great Depression have on the USA?
Understand: what were the social, economic and political effects of the depression?
Evaluate: Why did President Hoover become increasingly unpopular?
WILF - What Am I Looking For?
Identify and describe: What were the effects of the Great Depression?
Explain: Which effects were economic, social or political?
Analyse: Link the effects of the Great Depression together to help explain why HH became more unpopular with the American people?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great little card sort is designed to help students assess how successful the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act of 1559 was at promoting peace and stability in England?
The resource in includes two sub headings entitled successfully and unsuccessful as well as 14 statement cards, which students can sort through.
Aims and Objectives:
Theme: What were the consequences of the break with Rome?
Know: What was the terms of the Church Settlement Act of 1559?
Understand: Who opposed the Elizabethan Church Settlement Act?
Evaluate: How successful was the Church Settlement Act at maintaining peace?
WILF - What Am I Looking For?
Identify and describe: What were the successes and failures?
Explain: Who opposed the church settlement and why?
Analyse: How far was the Church Settlement Act a success?
This great activity is designed to help students studying how the Homesteaders survived on the Great Plains as part of a course on the American West. It can be used as either a revision, consolidation exercise or even as a plenary or starter. If you are looking for an accompany resource to cover this topic then please do check out my TES shop.
The two page word document contains 14 problems with the solutions that the Homesteaders came up with mixed up. Students cut out the cards and match the problems and solutions under the two headings. Once they have peer reviewed or checked them during a class feedback session, students can then stick them into their books. Alternatively, you could create a class set that are kept in envelops and quickly matched and then put back as a quick starter or plenary.
The aims and objectives for this activity are:
Theme: How successful were the Homesteaders at settling on the Great Plains?
Know: What problems did they have to overcome?
Understand: How did the Homesteaders survive and build successful farms on the Great Plains?
Evaluate: What impact did these solutions have on the Homesteaders, the environment and the Native Americans?
Skills: Cause, Consequence, Change, Continuity & Source Evaluation.
WILF – What Am I Looking For?
Identify and describe: What problems did the Homesteaders have to overcome in order to survive?
Explain: Did they try and solve these problems?
Analyze: begin to make an overall judgement on how successful the Homesteaders were at settling on the Great Plains and at what cost?
If you like this resource then why not check out my other resources on this topic in my TES shop. You can also follow ‘The History Academy’ on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook for the latest updates or even to get in touch and chat about how you have used this resource or to ask questions. We aim to produce cheap and affordable resources for either the price of a good cup of coffee or a happy meal so that you can spend more time doing the things that you want.
Anyway, have fun and stay in touch via social media for the latest updates.
Kind Regards
This great resource looks at the development of cattle ranching and the key exam question on why cattlemen decided to drive their herds north? I’ve pitched the text level at lower to middle ability but the challenge of the final thinking skills review triangle is sufficient to stretch the more able.
The PowerPoint includes information slides on the background to cattle ranching and the long drives as well as information on:
The Impact of the American Civil War 1861-1865
Increased demand for beef in the East
The actions of Goodnight and Loving
The building of the railroads
The actions of Joseph McCoy
There are two core activities, a snowballing starter of the key words for the lesson and a thinking skills review triangle activity linked to a past paper question. As always, this resource can be easily edited and is designed to be used along side any main stream text book on this topic. The resource can also be uploaded to a virtual learning environment and set as a homework
The learning objectives are:
Theme: The American West
Know: How did cattle ranching develop in the American West?
Understand: Why did cattlemen drive their herds north?
Evaluate: Which factor was the most important?
WILF: What Am I Looking For?
Identify & describe: Why cattle ranching developed in the American West?
Explain: Why cattlemen drove their herds north?
Analyse: Begin to come to a judgement on which factor was the most important?
If you like this resource, then please check out some of my others in this series.
Kind Regards